RoboWar is a freeware strategy game. Yes
it is free. The goal of the game is to make your robot kill all other robots and
be the alone survivor. To do this you must program a robot in RoboWar's own
language which is easy to learn.
The possibilities are endless with 28 different options of hardware for your
robot. That is aside from the actual programming which is NEVER the same. There
are tournaments held to put your robot(s) to the test.
RoboWar 5 is a Windows port of RoboWar 4.5.2 for Mac. Compatibility with the Mac
version is very high, all old Mac robots will work.
Click to see a screenshot:
Screenshot 1
- Screenshot 2
- Screenshot
Download RoboWar 5! (v
(For Windows, compatible with all Windows versions)
(If you do use MacOS or Linux, click
MacRoboWar 4.5.2
(The classic Macintosh version, by David Harris. Runs on Mac OS 7, 8 and 9)
Game updated! The game has gotten
a facelift! Download